New Member Information

Princeton, NJ 08543

This form is for new memberships only.
Membership dues are $40.

* required field.

Last Name: *   First Name: *   Title:                      

Address:         City:              

Zip-code:     State:     Phone:     Email: *  

How did you find out about AAAP:

               Astronomical Equipment:

                     Profession (optional):

What areas of astronomy interest you (e.g., cosmology, comets, solar system, astrophotography):?

Here is a list of opportunities for new member participation.
Please indicate which, if any, you might be interested in assisting or obtaining information about:

                        Program committee: planning programs, inviting professional astronomers to speak
         Observatory: operating and helping at the observatory during public nights
Light pollution effort: actively working to control local light pollution    
          New membership, publicity: contact for potential new members, local media
Public and youth astronomy outreach: opportunity to help educate       

Other Information:

Please submit your information and continue to pay on the next screen.
Your membership will be confirmed after payment.